Anxzia - the newest medical disease. Not actual anxiety, it is something of a persistent fear or agitation about current and future states. Anxzia is the prolonged condition created by unjustified anxiousness toward possible or plausible outcomes or events. All of us have this as a pre-condition from time to time, but it is usually quieted as events unfold. Yet, for some, they live in this state, always concerned about a future they can never compute nor understand. Fact: I just made this up. Yet it does sound like something you might see featured on Dr. Phil or Dr. Oz. Fact: It is certain that some psychologist somewhere, somehow, someway, will make this condition into a career. TV appearances, books, papers and the like will issue forth in some foamy discourse about this greasy condition. Such is the progress of modern times, with some researchers equating scholarship with headlines . As well, we will see lawsu...
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