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Showing posts with the label flipped classrooms

The Camel's Nose

The costs of education are astronomical - and rising. Jobs lost to automation, a hot topic in the past century, have been lost for centuries.  There once was a job "purifier" in old England and other countries wherein the job holder would collect animal feces and sell them to tanneries. Until the 1920's (horse) harness makers made a good living. Then came cars.   Until the 1960's there was the job of elevator operator.  No longer as the vast majority of elevators are now automatic.   There are hundreds of examples.  Large categories of jobs have been lost only in the past few decades. Consider Auto Plant Assembly Workers Factory Jobs Farming Telephone Operators Cashiers Tollbooth Collectors Many are no more or a shadow of their former prominence.  What is the reason for these changes?  Technology is one reason and it figures high.  Some jobs just disappear because they were no longer needed.  Equally important ...