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Showing posts with the label Tips for Problem-Solving

Problem-Solving --- Unusual Tips

  Problem-Solving --- Unusual Tips These tips were written for problem-solving across disciplines. They are for general application to big problems. Yet, they are not found as a collection. In fact, except for the ones attributed to Sir Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci, they are nowhere to be found. ------------------- Before you start thinking outside the box, you should know what’s inside the box. The solution might be right there. Solving problems: Real-life problems are rarely multiple-choice. Sentio, ergo est. (I feel it, therefore it is.) Bad for science. Bad for problem-solving. Bad for politics. When solving a problem, it is often helpful to transform it into alternate but equivalent forms. Often the first step of understanding is via the analogy. Basically, you learn something new by comparison to something old that you do know. How and why are often miles apart. Know what you’re looking for.   The how requires innovation; the why requires imagination. One o...