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Showing posts with the label education challenges

On Education

Educational experts always wax on about their pedagogies, their philosophies, and their whatever-centered teaching.  They rarely discuss the classroom itself except for their dreamy platform where all parties learn together.  This simply equivocates the dumbest with the  smartest.  Most forget, the teacher is the expert and is supposed to be. Students don’t want to  challenge an equal, they want to test their new knowledge and abilities against a true source of knowledge. But do teachers want to be challenged?  So,  ... On education.   (For teachers and students alike.) If you don’t challenge your teacher by the time you‘re senior, maybe you’re too scared. Not good. If your teacher doesn’t encourage challenges, maybe he/she is too scared. Worse. -------------------------- On Life. (Helping you get all the way to tomorrow.) Important it is to reflect on every day.   Look for progress, love, and happiness. These give lasting value. All else comes in second. Love li