We all talk about ideas, and how much we need a good one. But an idea basically amounts to a direction change. Put this way, we pose whether a change in direction is needed, and moreover really wanted. Thus... It may be unproductive to seek for a new idea when none is needed. Indeed, such a search may point one in the wrong direction. Can it be a folly to innovate when such is unrequired? Different does not imply better. A little weird. The other day I was watching a movie on NetFlix. My settings showed the subtitles in English. I have become accustomed to reading them. But for some reason, the subtitles were a about two minutes delayed. So, while I watched, the titles were two minutes or so behind, making them useless. Interesting and unusual though it was, but after a couple of minutes I stopped watching them. It occurred to me that suppose the subtitles were two minutes in advance. This implies having a look on t...
Random thoughts and used ideas