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Showing posts with the label politics

How Did Politics and Science Become Intertwined?

Politicized science and research did not begin in the United States. It began much earlier. For example, during the Black Plague of the 14th century, politicians together with doctors created a causation for the plague from 1347–1351. It was decided that the plague was caused by contagion and was attributed to public bathhouses, then very popular. Bathhouses everywhere were closed. The consequence was from that time on, for centuries, people were reluctant to take baths, except rarely. The cause of disease even into the 19th century was said to be caused by “malaise” and this, supported by the government and physicians, implied little care could be given. At the time of the American Revolution, bloodletting was a prescription for fever. It worked by reducing the fever, but unhappily it killed many patients. This was supported by science and the government. Without giving more examples, let’s fast forward to the 20th century with the development of the atomic bomb. This was co-produced ...

Twelve Don’ts for Living

Twelve Don’ts for Living 1.        Don’t waste time on revenge. It takes energy, but don’t forget it either. The possibility may come along. 2.        Don’t waste time on hate. It takes too much energy. 3.        Don’t cheat your employer. You are paid for the work. Do it well. 4.        Don’t fake it. Only those less intelligent than you will be fooled. At most half of them will believe. 5.        Don’t co-mingle your beliefs with your understandings. They are different. 6.        Don’t gossip. You’ll get a reputation. 7.        Don’t palaver your politics. About half will disagree, but you’ll never know who. 8.        Don’t proselytize. It makes you look bad. 9.         Don’t believe it even thoug...

Lies and Boomerangs

  Do lies boomerang? As a kid, you learned this well. When you were caught, there was big trouble like no allowance, no TV, no going out.   Yikes, the lie boomeranged.   But everybody knows lies are part and parcel of politics.   This brings up… The age-old story: The lies are told; the lies are believed; the lies are exposed. So, we come to the age-old question: If a lie boomerangs in a forest and nobody sees it, did it actually happen? Nope! Politicians like to position their lies a step ahead of boomerang exposure, i.e. beyond recompense. This is the classic lie playing it safe. It is one of the most curious, almost paradoxical, ways of telling the political truth.   In politics, the lie becomes truth if exposure is delayed .

Two Kinds of People

  In politics, two kinds of people talk to you. ·         The first kind talks to you like an equal, trying to show you their viewpoint. ·         The second kind talks to you like you are the student needing to learn what’s right. To whom do you listen?


Politics W.H.O. W.T.O. CARES Act PPP Supply chain Tariff Prime rate Discount rate Bilateral/Unilateral ____ Modern Monetary Theory Coronavirus Intensive care and ICU, CCU PPE Social distancing Antibodies, antibody test Aerosol contagion Pathogen Adaptive immunity Coevolution Antigenic variant Antimicrobial resistance Antibody For those keeping a very close interest, we have… Symptomatology Testing panel Zoonosis Novel virus Interspecies transmission Phylogeny Phylogenetic tree Transmission chain Intermediate host (e.g. domestic ducks to chickens to …) Koch’s postulates Association vs. Causation

Uncertainty Can Be Ugly

A big term these days is “Uncertainty.” This means people are not sure of what’s happening. Another big word is “Manipulation.” This means some quantity is altered on command. Adding one and one, we have “Manipulated Uncertainty.” And this means some agency is manipulating the uncertainty.   It applies to trade, to stock prices, to war, to politics, to materialism, and even to climate. Massive gains are available, as are massive losses. Causes: Too much money, too much polarization, too much hate, too much emotion, too much greed, too much profit, too much power, and too darn easy. Think it new?  Nope. Ancient.

Poker Game Politics

We live in an era of poker game politics where the only bet allowed is “all-in.” Hedge? And you’re dead. Compromised? You are ostracized. Monopoly? Every day’s homily. Control? The only goal. Trash? You get more cash. A gamble of the first order is “all-in.” You bet. You bluff. You hope. All on the play of cards.

The Dark Side of Big Data, IV – Deadly Algorithms

The Dark Side of Big Data, IV – Deadly Algorithms It is important to look in advance of the information, to establish what is possible before the possibility becomes reality. Every truth discovered begins as a possibility. The promise of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data is that it takes the human out of the decision process.   The promised truth of AI (the algorithms) in tandem with big data is better analysis, faster execution of decisions, safer driving, correct diagnoses, or whatever lies on the table.   What could be bad about that? Everyone has heard of algorithmic data analysis with built-in triggers for action.   The most prominent example is with the stock market.   Algorithms are so entrenched within the buy-sell patterns, many brokerage firms are now controlled by news reports and financial input for potential transactions. Oil problems in the Middle East signals sell, and baby, they sell.   China trade deal is near signals buy, and ...

The Lost Generation of Tomorrow

Drowning in modern hate, many seek love not knowing what it is or where to look.   Years from now, the lost generation of our times may describe those so saturated by hate they were unable to find love. Not unlike those of past generations who were shattered by war, hate ultimately causes a loss of human identity.   Everything in their life, it will be written, was filtered through their hate, diminishing regular human relations, being unable to disassociate even the simplest event from their hate.   Hate, it will be reported, was highly contagious. Well documented are many examples of people consumed by horrors of war, obsessed with making money, or so wrapped with some beliefs that no form of normalcy was possible. The lost generation of the 1920’s came from World War I. The Catholic inquisition, beginning in the 12 th century was hosted by priests saturated with a compulsion to control religious dissent or combat heresy.   The French Revolution was captured...

Problem Solving

There are two ways to solve a problem. A. You can either get what you want, or you can want what you get.—Ralph Barton Perry B.More graphically, you can shoot your arrow at the target, or you can move the target to where you shoot your arrow. However, in politics you never get what you want, but always hope to want what you get.

Politics Imitates Hollywood

Politics imitates Hollywood.  First, we had the Mueller investigation.  (You know about whether the President colluded with the Russians.) Now we have the sequel .  (You know about Congressional Democrats investigating the same thing again.)  But, at the same time, we have the prequel . (You know about how the Russia collusion thing originated.)  Box-office battle now engaged.   May the force be with you. 😊 ----------------------- When I was young, folks on the far left were usually well read, articulate, and interesting.   Only a few actually believed what they said, but they carried themselves well and made good arguments.   Nowadays, they are free to act and sound as dumb as the rednecks of old. I guess that’s progress. ----------------------- The luxury of the future will be privacy.

Economic Dolts

I watch a lot of business shows and a singular thing I’ve noticed is that many of the corporate capital management leaders think linearly.   Yes… They are always telling us that because of this there will be that.   There is not an assemblage of facts, hardly a thought, just a simple rule .    For example, a week or so ago we experienced a reversal of interest rates between short term and long term, with the longer term rates suddenly lower. Every guest interviewed told us a recession was imminent.   In two weeks, the rates were back to normal.   No recession at all. BTW, these people are paid big bucks.  ------------------------------------------------------- Political campaigns these days are different. They’re dirty, derogatory, and deranged.  All candidates must now prepare for ·        Pledging support for expensive and unrealistic goals, ·        Scandals, u...

The Real Climate Change

Political campaigns these days are different. They’re dirty, derogatory, and deranged.   All candidates must now prepare for ·        Pledging support for expensive and/or unrealistic goals, ·        Scandals, usually related to sex, though possibly fake, ·        Past sins, even back to high school, ·        Appeasing the base then pivoting to the middle, ·        Past lies (documented) and past lies (from weak testimonials), ·        Past or recent changes in policies or beliefs, ·        Income tax problems, ·        Illegal alien hiring. Given all this we give a question:  Who could possibly want to go into politics in this massive climate change?

Politics and Sports

Lessons learned...  Just perhaps the entire country is possessed by winning at any cost. It is not unlike sports but in slow-motion. The loser, as in sports, asks for a recount (i.e. replay) or to extend the clock.  The winner maintains steadfast in victory, claiming it was a good game, fairly played. Both sports and politics cite racism, phobias and maladies of all sorts; both demand immense sums expended. When winning is the exclusive goal, the sport is gone and all fans lose. Intensity escalates. The owners in both venues are all billionaires.

Modern Politics via Charles Dickens

MODERN POLITICS  Modern politics is life imitating fiction, this Tale of Two Parties , with each party cheering wildly as an opponent is guillotined, and with each having battalions of Madams DeFarge knitting furiously the names of the victims and accused.    To be a victim, one only needs to accuse, evidence not being required. To be accused, a committed crime is not the factor; it is whose side you’re perceived to be on.   To be convicted does not imply guilt has been proved, only believed.   Our Madams and Messieurs have their whole beings consumed by hate and they “will not rest until their bloodthirsty desires are satisfied.”*  Thank you Charles Dickens for predicting the future, which has now come to pass. *From a review by Daisy Bowie-Sell of the Dickens classic, Tale of Two Cities . ---------------------- GOODNESS It is important to support good people even if, only if, or while they have value to you and what you belie...

Random Thoughts - 20

Symbols. A good message for politicians to send to all Americans is that "permanent" employees of the US Government, such as the FBI, should be required to re-take their oath of office periodically, like every two years.   Elected officials must.   So, why don't at least senior employees?   Sure it is symbolic, but are we not a country of symbols?   --------------- In politics, the greatest difference is between those who build their actions on a pole of principles and those who base their actions on polls of the populace. --------------- Violence means more than the mere destruction of property; it is also means the destruction of freedom.

The Socialist

The Socialist view of life . From cradle to cradle to cradle - followed by a quick cremation. All for free. ---------------- The Socialist manifesto : We are smarter than you. We know more than you. We understand more than you.   We know what you need. We insist on helping you. ---------------- The Socialist menu .   Go to any Asian restaurant.   Almost certainly you will see the dish, “Happy Family,” a hodge-podge of various items to delight the customer.   A stir-fry dish with colorful vegetables (broccoli, baby corn, bamboo shoots, mushroom, carrots, etc.), meats (beef, pork and chicken), and seafood (fish, shrimp, and crab), it is cooked in a brown sauce.   As a catch-all, the European Union (EU) plan typifies this dish trying to serve all Europe the Happy Family. All are served the same and all are asked eat the same. But… Many simply want another dish.   Some want fish, some just beef, others only pork or chicken, and so on.   With...