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Showing posts with the label assess ability

Do You Have Common Sense?

Common sense is a type of intelligence, not given to the classroom or books.   Common sense is not taught like a subject. It is a generalized set of rules mostly self-learned. It has a feature set that is broad and sweeping. We classify a few of them as abilities – just as our regular senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell.   It is also related to good sense and practical sense, less general terms. Ability to generalize. Example. You’ve learned not to put your hand on the stove. You generalize to other sources of heat. Ability to assess capabilities. You gradually restrict your activities and goals to those achievable. Ability to survive. You sidestep dangers that present directly and indirectly. Ability to discern. You can distinguish between options based on what is overall best for you and perhaps family. You easily chose not to do dumb things. Ability to avoid unnecessary risks. This is not to say risks are not undertaken, but senseless or stupid risks...