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The Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci is arguably the most famous painting of all time.  And many regard it as the best painting of all time.  No doubt more has been written about this painting than any other.  (Google away...) The history of the painting is interesting.  Every single aspect has been studied, the art, the viewers, the locations, even the identity and gender of the sitter.    In this note I only highlight that Leonardo kept the painting through his lifetime, though the sitter has traditionally been identified as Lisa del Giocondo, a member of the Gherardini family of Florence and Tuscany.  He never delivered it.  Why might that be? Any of us who are involved in creative endeavors of any kind understand that some of our "creations" are not so good, others are good,  and some are outstanding - at least by our own personal standards.  I am a painter, not by profession, and I understand this full well.  Even in my professional life, I see the same.   When it com