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Showing posts with the label words

Instant Wisdom

You want to be wise, the pride of your family or at the workplace.   So do I.   How to do this is a good question, but one that has a ready answer. You simply invent it.   Here we give methods with examples, all cooked up at home, none from the literature. We call it… Do-it-yourself wisdom .   You, too, can be wise with words. Recipes are available, and we take up a couple here.   For words, just pick two of them and mix in a counterbalance.   Or use one phrase to amplify another and then reverse.   Alliteration helps. Assiduity is not the goal.   Loose construction is better.   How the mind fills in what the words leave out is remarkable - and to your advantage. Think of a poem with just one line.   For example, let’s use “love” and “liberty,” and a few others. “Love is far less without liberty, and liberty is far less without love.” “The spirit enriches reason just as reason enriches the spirit.” “Knowledge needs intuition ...

Words about Words

I like words, and what they can do. History has shown that words are the prime-movers of change in this world, particularly after the 15 th century.   Your well being depends on someone’s words, coming from somewhere, and coming with an artistry.   It is best to become acquainted with word, and their pure power over your life. So… What are you? Word-abhorer – You’re scared of words. Word-misoneist – You hate new words. Word-wonk – You like to learn new words. Word-smith – You can use words with skill. Word-thinker – You think in words, more than images. Word-master – Lovingly, you can massage, manipulate, and message with manifold words. Words-worth – you’re a famous poet, slightly deceased. 😊

I Love Words

I love words, and how so many sound similar but have totally different meanings.  In this chapter it's all in the "air" as we look at simple words ending with the sound "air" or "are" or "ere."  For teachers, its a great, even fun, way to stimulate students thinking about words, and building their vocabulary.  For adults, it's a great refresher.  The list is below, with those in capital's being names. air fare prayer tare bare hair rare tear Bayer hare sayer Thayer bear lair scare ware Blair layer share wear brayer mare spare Baer care pair square dare pare stair ere payer stare fair pear swear In addition there are lessor words, mostly from the Scottish.  zair mair gair Bair cair sair wair It's an airy day.  :)  So, get back in your lair to stare at this list while you bear the fair humor of this note. Spare the swear words, ere I dare to call you a square. 


Multiculturalism. There are multiple definitions of this term.  At the national level, it means words in a national document that we respect all other cultures and against which we will not discriminate.  For others, it means kinship, if not to one’s village but to one’s (former) country, race, or religion. Often, they bring along their old hatreds from their old country to the new. In this version, the group may stick together, live together, apart from their adopted country and in this way alone.  Businesses formed within a given subculture are free to hire within it, promote within it, and maintain kinships, despite the “words.” For others, it is a crass method to subdivide various cultures to vote in a certain way.  Multiculturalism comes down to the triple of words, kinship, and politics , each with their own variations of meaning.  No wonder it causes problems. Countries adopting a policy of multiculturalism ultimately have no culture. ...