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Showing posts with the label bio-energy

The Energy 'Cliff

The energy future of the United States is at the edge of an energy cliff. For more than a half century, this country has wrangled with the issues of fossil fuel availability, pollution, and energy (in)dependence.   With one exception, energy resources have concerned and befuddled every President over this period.   The populace is intoxicated with cheap energy, and who wouldn’t be if it was available?   Cheap energy resources, like the Erie Canal almost two centuries earlier, changed the energy and consequent economic landscape of a nation.   And, it had been just that amounting to, up till now, the insignificant transference of our wealth to other nations.   But what the… We’re rich, and became richer.     Well, we were rich. One particular, more-or-less conservative, solution has been to approve and issue more licenses for drilling and resultant production to prove more energy reserves. This view was concomitant with alternative energy sources as they became competitive.