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Showing posts with the label obsession

Problem-Solving - Obsession

Problem-Solving - Obsession Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end. Henry David Thoreau, Walden, "Economy," 1854.   Introduction . Many facets of problem-solving are well-known and understood. They range from vast knowledge to critical thinking, to intuition, to insight, and to experience. Today, we add a characteristic, though an important ingredient. It’s more like a condiment-to-food, or a sauce to a delicacy. It’s needed though sometimes not essential. It is mostly helpful with big problems, difficult problems, or imossible problems. It is the quality of obsession. Each of us has experienced obsession in one form or another and is often relieved when the problem is solved. One literally leaves oneself becoming an engine driven to resolve the matter. Obsession is an all-consuming state of mind, possessive, jealous of distractions, and impervious to interruptions. T...

The Saddest Truth

Question. What is the saddest truth in life? Answer. The saddest truth in life is that if you look for one (or them) you will find it. Self-obsession -> self-fullfillment -> self-realization -> self-possession -> self-defeat. Best not to seek.

The Lost Generation of Tomorrow

Drowning in modern hate, many seek love not knowing what it is or where to look.   Years from now, the lost generation of our times may describe those so saturated by hate they were unable to find love. Not unlike those of past generations who were shattered by war, hate ultimately causes a loss of human identity.   Everything in their life, it will be written, was filtered through their hate, diminishing regular human relations, being unable to disassociate even the simplest event from their hate.   Hate, it will be reported, was highly contagious. Well documented are many examples of people consumed by horrors of war, obsessed with making money, or so wrapped with some beliefs that no form of normalcy was possible. The lost generation of the 1920’s came from World War I. The Catholic inquisition, beginning in the 12 th century was hosted by priests saturated with a compulsion to control religious dissent or combat heresy.   The French Revolution was captured...