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Sports and Surnames

S ports   come in many kinds with venues, equipment and scoring; surnames come in many more. Common ground is our goal – if only in name.   Namely, are there sports terms with surnames the same.   Easy example: “Ball” is a common name and an article of sports. Another example, the sport of “Curling” sees the player send a “Stone” down an ice “Sheet” toward “House” (the target) where team mates can use a “Broom” to curve the path. Remarkably, all these terms are surnames.   Similarly, a “Sailor” may “Row” a boat on the “Lake.”   Each is a surname. Rowing is of course a sport. Lots of sports, venues, equipment, and outcomes are also surnames.   We made a list. Verification can be found on the dictionary.   Many of the surnames will surprise you, but some are unusually rare such as one in 100,000 names. A score or outcome in many sports is called a “point,” which as the surname “Point” ranks 39,599 th   in popularity. Among the sports there are duplicate terms in o