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Showing posts with the label planning


The Google executives'  spitballing*  over how to censor or endorse conservative views is not unlike military strategizing. It is not unlike what most people do in their lives, or corporations do with their business plans. It is not unlike what one political party does upon its opponent.   However, the result is a plan that can be implemented on a moment's notice.  For Google, a map of which key words to interdict and substitute is listed, the alternate substitute sites have been selected, the procedure for identification of the inquirer is outlined, and the public explanations of why it was not done have now all been described.   Spitballing  can and does develop a battle plan. Spitballing is a method that’s been used over all of time, for all causes.   I’m sure the Cardinals in Rome do spitballing on how to increase church membership, or the Major Sports Leagues do on increasing game attendance.   Not to be deceived by a...