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Showing posts with the label anxiety

Fear in Problem-Solving

  Problem-Solving - Fear 1. Introduction . Fear is one of our most powerful emotions, sometimes reducing one person to ignominy, sometimes elevating another to unexpected heights. Nations can perish out of fear. Companies may fail because of fear. Normally, the outcome depends essentially on the ability to or fear to solve problems. Fear can play a significant role in problem-solving, influencing both the process and the outcome. Many, many books and films have essentially addressed fear, with some fear being the dominant focus. It is a complex emotion that can manifest in various ways, potentially either hindering or enhancing an individual's ability to solve problems effectively. 2. Hindrance and Avoidance. Fear can lead to overthinking and excessive analysis, which may result in "paralysis by analysis." When someone is afraid of making the wrong decision, they may hesitate to take any action at all, leading to stagnation and inaction. Fear can cause people to avo...

Anxzia - the newest disease

Anxzia -   the newest medical disease.   Not actual anxiety, it is something of a persistent fear or agitation about current and future states.   Anxzia is the prolonged   condition created by unjustified anxiousness toward possible or plausible outcomes or events.   All of us have this as a pre-condition from time to time, but it is usually quieted as events unfold. Yet, for some, they live in this state, always concerned about a future they can never compute nor understand.   Fact: I just made this up. Yet it does sound like something you might see featured on Dr. Phil or Dr. Oz. Fact: It is certain that some psychologist somewhere, somehow, someway, will make this condition into a career.   TV appearances, books, papers and the like will issue forth in some foamy discourse about this greasy condition.   Such is the progress of modern times, with some researchers equating scholarship with headlines .   As well, we will see lawsu...