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Showing posts with the label convictions

Governor Cuomo

New York Andrew Governor Cuomo has suggested an exit tax for all residents emigrating from New York.  He proposes all New Yorkers with a net worth of $500,000 or more are to be taxed a flat rate of 20% of net worth to exit residence from the State.  Said Cuomo, "They may move, but we'll get one last shot at their money." He added, "at least until I'm President." de Blasio and Sanders echoed support. salivating at the thought of a new form of tax revenue.  NOKO strong man Kim Jong Un concurs indicating mere taxation is not enough, muttering something about consequences to their whole family. Just kidding… ------------------- BTW, Cuomo just pardoned 61 convicted felons. What a humane fellow.  I do suggest someone would tally up the costs of arrest and prosecution of these “now good citizens.”  Perhaps the good governor should intercede for every conviction deciding those just and those unjust – saving taxpayers yet another cost – incarceratio...