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Showing posts with the label safe spaces

Educational Tectonics

A tectonic shift in America concerning education has occurred. It seems the new independent intelligence in America includes blue-collar workers, while the new college grads seems as Manchurian candidates, programmed with what to do and say but not how to think. Except for skills training, the new college grad seems to have receded intellectually. Many college students prefer formulas for thought, not a broad intellectual framework to determine thought. With some colleges offering safe spaces and pet goats, these campuses now have the overtones of preschool. In the old days, one might walk into a bar where the customers all thought about the same. These were union people.   Now the union folks have opinions sweeping across all persuasions. They think.   It is the college grads and student that seem to think the same, no deviants allowed. The educational tectonic fissures began  emerging in middle America and are now spreading.

The American Student

Going under the hood of American students reveals a corpus of young people with different ideas than in years past.    Less educated than ever before and loving it, freed from the shackles of critical understanding, flush with a new found power over flaccid administrations, American students see the world through highly personal and rather selfish viewpoints.  Risk avoidance is favored, both in action and in thought.   Mostly, they want to feel good about themselves, to make a difference, and to be allowed indifference to serious study. They seem to live in a world of talking points, to need scripted talking points for newer issues, and surely to follow the talking points of their often anonymous leaders. Reason must be combined in equal measure with emotion. Truth is also what should be so or could be so. Feeling good is isomorphic to being good. Restricting speech of some clarifies and helps deeper understanding of the real truth. Having safe spa...

Safe Spaces

Safe-space: a place to go where all is good, little responsibility is required, needs are met, and contrary things are avoided.  These are the spaces where children grow up.  In the olden times, kids had a tree house.  They grew out of that by size.  Times have changed.  Many, especially those affluent, grow up in physical safe spaces, a kid-designated den where children live. They all contain normal kid toys, kid chairs, a cell phone, computer, and TV where only kid-venues are tuned.  In less affluent environs, kids live in personal safe-spaces, in their rooms with their cell and computer always on.  Contacts are through text and other social media.  Adults have scarcely any knowledge of their world and what transpires in it.  It is a world of filters, allowing in only what they desire. It is a world of ultimate, personal selfish behavior.   When I grew up, there was one TV, and the family watched it together.  No longer. ...