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Showing posts with the label competition

Advice for America

"Hate is not a good political advisor." Generals are advised not to plan battles while angry. CEOs are advised not to face competition through hate. Lawyers are advised not to argue from the passion of hatred. Married folks are advised not to exude hate in family disputes. Professional fighters are advised to keep their cool. So, why are so many politicians fueled by hatred?  

Thoughts XI

"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." --- Shakespeare The legal profession has about the broadest range of intellectual ability as any of the prominent professions.  Known to most as an important profession, necessary in a complex society, but for which billed fees are perceived as disproportionate to the services rendered.  This we know.  However, it is the range of skill of lawyers, from supreme intellect to barely literate that we come upon.  It's all in the licensing. Many folks could handle simple wills, property closing, contract execution and enforcement, and numerous lawyerly skills. For most of these tasks there are strict procedures of practice. Very little actual legal knowledge is required. There is a difference between understanding the nature of the law and preparing a will or trust for some needful client.  To be sure, without licensing the doors would open to completely unscrupulous, incompetent, and immoral practitioners....

Small Schools

In a NYC study it appears that smaller schools have a higher graduation rates that the large megaschools.  Research has found that 70% of students from small schools graduated on time, while just 61% of the students who were turned away managed to earn diplomas in four years. Read more: However, large schools are far more efficient in terms of facilities, because they are less costly (per student) to operate and maintain.  So, what can be done in light of this striking new discovery?  The simple answer is to turn the large mega-schools into smaller institutions.  This can be achieved by simply creating many schools within the large one.  A norm for centuries within universities with their colleges of disciplines, but for varying majors, it does create local communities within a large setting.  Here is the proposal....

To Have and To Get

When it comes to possessions in this world, we can identify (at least) three things working... 1. Things to want to have.   Wealth, security, a nice car and home, freedoms to live, freedom to worship.   Who can deny anyone wanting to have these?   These are your needs. 2. Things you want to get.   Happiness, joy, love, peace are included. We all want these, but maybe not have them yet. 3. Things you want to get but not have.   The girl/boy next door, the next promotion, or the chairmanship of something big.   Name your own.   It is our headlong scramble for the third that causes us unlimited problems, conflicts, mis-directions, competition, and unhappiness.   You work for them, you strive for them, you hope for them. Then you get them, and become profoundly disappointed after they arrive.