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Showing posts with the label theory

Theory and Conclusion

  What are the differences between theory and conclusion? At first blush, this seems a simple question.  But not quite. Eventually some conclusions fail, but theories do as well.   A theory is a “framework” to explain certain phenomena. It contains premises or axioms, and basic conclusions about what may be true, what may happen, and the like. Conclusions are basically what follows from the basic theory. When accepted, they become a part of the theory. Therefore, the theory evolves and grows. Examples include all the sciences, math, and even psychology. It can happen there become multiple theories that begin with assumptions but diverge into different theories. These include sociology, economics, and even psychology. Unstated here is just how conclusions are formed. In sciences, there are experiments, observations, and derivations. However, in religion, there are these but also revelations to be accepted upon belief. In advanced science, constructs are formed for which no experim

Random Thoughts 19

Theories allow logic to be grafted to nonsense. The teacher who does not listen graduates a class that will ask no questions. Learning is a deliberate Q&A event. You can’t learn without asking questions and then discovering answers. Centuries ago, the people hunted witches. Now the witches hunt people. Both are wrong. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debt .  The current US national debt is about $21T.  The current total debt of all Americans, including credit cards and mortgages is $13.3T.  The current non-financial corporate business debt securities and liability is about $6.1T.*  Basically, this means total US debt of consumers and corporations is slightly less than the national debt. * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Infinity of Theories

I do love the Stock Markets, all of them.   Why?   Because of the abundance of theories.    Every day, no matter how the market moves there are dozens of pundits offering forth their theory as to why it went down – or up, where it’s going tomorrow or next week, and why it must crash soon or maybe elevate another couple thousand more points.   Ok, this is fine.   But the next day these same folks may expound theories postulating the opposite.   This proves market pundits have no essential understanding of economics as related to the market.   This proves pundits prefer expedience to understanding.   I am constantly besieged by brokerage firms telling me if I would only invest a million, they would help me reach my goals.   If I had this information, how to make a lot of money, I would borrow every cent I could and apply it to making a bunch of money.   I’d not tell a soul. So, why are they trying to help me?   Well, t hey have a  YAT, yet another theory!   Phooey.

Go Figure

Trump.  Nowadays...  If you watch left-leaning channels, you will rarely hear anything positive about Trump.  If you watch the other channels, you will hear constant editorials about how Trump is not living up to promises.  I mean like we are only at about 100 days in.  The Dems are locked into a unity of contempt; the Reps seem to have more camps of interest than most countries have political parties, each criticizing Trump isn’t pure enough in their direction.  Promises???  Most newly elected officials simply say what's that?  Go figure. -------------------------------- Salt.  When I was a kid, years and years ago, almost every locker room had salt dispensers.  We were advised to take some any time we felt we needed the mineral.  Then, suddenly they disappeared, with the admonition that it was only rarely needed.  More damage than harm, etc. Now it’s back with trainers recommending the need for salt when working out or playing hard.  Go figure. ------------------

Thoughts XXVIII - morality

In American politics today we have among our parties “no morality” versus “faux morality,” while each claims high morality.     All to confuse the philosophers, I’m sure. J ------------------------- A theory is a lens which focuses information into knowledge.   ------------------------- When you have a religious fervor but are constrained by morality, this is one thing.   When not so constrained, this is another; it allows almost any action. ------------------------- If you intend to write a book about knowledge, be sure your publisher prints it on yellowing paper bound with dusty covers.   This gives it a head start on its final outcome, residing on a library shelf, untouched for years on end. ------------------------- Many agree that truth correlates with knowledge, and vice versa .   Whatever would the statisticians say about correlating two objects with no clear meaning? ------------------------- We all too often hear about comparing apples and oranges,


Neuroplasticity – a theory in formation.  One aspect is clear about medicine.  It is a latecomer to the application of modern scientific methods, essentially beginning only in the late 19 th century.  In medicine, there is so much to discover that we may say many of the discoveries of the early 20 th century were the reaping of the proverbial low-hanging fruit.  It was only the examination of phenomena from a rigorous viewpoint that proved fruitful to medical discovery.  It advanced quickly and profoundly during the entire 20 th century, using microbiology, chemistry, physics, and even engineering to examine the physical human resulting great discoveries.  Thus, medicine provides a fertile are to examine the development of theories from their grounding to maturity.  From the 15 th up to the 20 th century, neurology was focused on the theory of localization , meaning that certain areas of the brain were dedicated irrevocably to certain mental activities.   There were li

Thoughts X

On theory and belief.  Theories are containers of our beliefs, ideas, and sometimes desires.  They are our vessels of  understanding.  There are levels and criteria for acceptance of theories. When a theory is believable it gets believed.  When a theory fits with one's beliefs it gets believed. When a theory is believable and refutes another but undesired theory, it gets accepted.  Others: When a new theory conflicts with an older and accepted one, it will not be accepted. When two theories collide, there results a conflict between the proponents. When power intervenes, it suspends the search for truth.  When a theory recruits power, open investigation is suppressed. Included are theories of religions of various types, genetics, anthropology, disease, climate change, physics (M-Theory), astronomy, i.e. origins of almost anything. Many have fallen from favor including previous theories of matter, disease, astrology, polytheism, astronomy, alchemy, and more. On power.