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Showing posts with the label affluence

Globalism is not the Perfect Solution

All cruise ships have the same common properties of affluent high population states, meaning unlimited eating, luxuries aplenty, laundry services, entertainment, ports of call for shopping and touring, lounging, shows, Internet, more eating, and on and on. An idyllic life is on board, and the prices range from very high down to high.   You pay the fare to get to the port of entry.   Want to go around the world?   Then you spend all your dough. (You know lifetime cruise ships have been proposed and designed where you buy-in for a life-time residence.)   A beautiful world it is.   No work, no effort, all comfort, and leisure to the max.    This is the promise of the cruise line and mostly the promise of world globalism . We will all prosper on our global ship of the line, where we save the planet, we enjoy luxuries together, we manufacture everything needed, and all are happy onboard – forever. What could go wrong? Just to note, according to, in 2016 there were 1.5