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Showing posts with the label allegory

Plato's Cave

Plato’s Cave – an allegory for all time The allegory of Plato’s cave has a remarkable permanence in the philosophies of knowledge and of life.   In it we see a collection of prisoners who can only see the shadows of reality as projected by a fire between the truth and the shadows.   They cannot turn around seeing the object so projected.   This is what they know; this is what they see; this is what they believe.   A given prisoner is rescued from the cave and brought into the light of truth.   The prisoner is then returned to the cave to help and instruct the others on what the shadows really depict.   He is rejected by all other prisoners preferring the shadows and consequent conjectures.   This encapsulates the Plato’s allegory, though not in complete detail.   Our intent here is to reveal or theorize on how we lift shadows to our current versions of truth.    On the physical face of things, what the shadows represent include ·          A reduction of spatial dimension