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Showing posts with the label Internet

Random Thoughts - 6

Hacking undone .  How to prevent hacking?  Take your system off the Internet.  This is exactly the situation with the 99 active nuclear power plants in the US.  Recent evidence establishes Russian hacking into US nuclear power plants. Among the targets this time, US officials say, the Wolf Creek nuclear plant in Burlington, Kansas.  (This, according to a recent report by NBC news.) But, and finally a wonderful but, the operational platforms of these plants are not hackable because they are off the net.  Perhaps the perps got emails and billing records, but not the plant operations.  Well done.   Might I suggest the creation of a second Internet channel, one not in any way connected to the main stream.  It should be built from the ground-up with no possibility of a breach built-in.  Televisions  and their commercials.   If you watch a TV show on commercial television, you get commercials about every 7-8 minutes.  The...