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The sandbox, tank, swamp

Metaphors for our day: Sandbox, Tank, Swamp.  Think outside the sandbox, they say.   There is nothing more true than with the Republicans.   Indeed, for the Republicans there is a new sandbox of populism.   It is a genuine caring for, not assuming of, the people.   Trump, much to the chagrin of the traditional Republicans, has changed the sandbox in which they should be playing.   For Republicans, gone are the days of trying to relive the era of Ronald Reagan. What has evolved is a new party. A tectonic shift of both parties has taken place.   The New Republican message is populism.   It places Americans first, with their aspirations, dreams, and hopes. Yet, the Democrat sandbox has changed as well.   The New Democrats are now a party appealing to the very rich and supported by the poor.   The former gets the benefits; the latter gets the promises. The big switch: The New Democrats are now a party of big money. The New Republicans are now a party of the people. In c