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Saturated with Knowledge

What was and still is Dateline, 1850 and Now...   We have arrived at the point where professionals have a large amount of knowledge about particularly narrowing topics. The narrowing has constricted now for a couple of centuries.   As in the past, investigators become saturated.   For ancient geometers, this occurred a couple of  centuries BCE. They can know little more, and little more was contributed.   Until...   a new idea emerges, it becomes the hammer to resolve all questions. Older outmoded techniques are diminished, deprecated, and eventually forgotten. This is the model of scientific investigations and other objective disciplines.   When the new is judged as more powerful and more predictive, the old is discarded. All this is according to Thomas Kuhn.   Advance of knowledge is not linear, it is not even monotone. What are new ideas and from where do they come?   A number of forms seem obvious. Technique Innovation Enhanced precision Increased dimension Disc