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Showing posts with the label Sickness

Fraud, Sickness, and Trump

A.     Fraud :   Beware, my friend, of anyone or any party that proposes to pay for any government program by eliminating fraud.   The fundamental problem with this claim is simply that the amount of fraud, how it is done, and to what fiscal extent are largely unknown – admittedly so by the feds.   Only special cases are understood.   Specifically, all flavors of federal medical care should be singled out.   Some estimate it amounts to $60,000,000,000/year.   Fraud is amazingly difficult uncover, to prosecute, and then to prove.   Even organized crime has recognized it as an income source far less dangerous or risky than traditional venues. Miami, for example, is considered the Medicare fraud center of America, with New York a close second. Fraud in the defense industry, largely through cost overruns, has been rampant for decades, but what has been done?   Give just one example? B.     Sickness to continue: ·        Democrats: Repealing Obamacare will "make America sick

Study, Sleep, Sickness and Success

The Latest on Study, Sleep, Sickness and Success   The recent wisdom on learning using technology tells us that we should all get with it, get laptops, get tablets, learn more and better.     We are just an iPAD from true success - some educators would have us believe.   But this is now disproven.   It just doesn’t happen.   Your grandmother could have told you to get plenty of rest, particularly when you are sick.   Grandma’s folk-wisdom/folk- medicine is now confirmed!   Finally, when you tell your students to study hard for the big exam, and that their success and even future depend on it.   Just a little scare to get them motivated to hit the books, you think.    Indeed, don’t depend on the veracity of your good advice.   It’s just plain wrong! ·          SLEEP AWAY YOUR ILLS .   A good night's sleep really CAN make you feel better: Researchers say long naps can boost immune system and help fight infection – if you are a fruit fly anyway.   Two researchers, led by Ju