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Showing posts with the label Solutions

Solving all Problems. Impossible? Yes.

  Can We Ever Solve Every Problem? G Donald Allen Introduction. The fundamental problem of this section is to consider reasons why we have not yet reached the point in human evolution where we can solve all of our problems. This seems to have a popular origin in the Sherlock Holmes film, “Dressed to Kill [1] ,” where Dr. Watson, expresses the notion, “There is not a problem the mind can set that the mind cannot solve.” In the next section, we show quite the opposite. Some of the greatest of unsolvable problems are related to brain capacity, evolution, conceptuality, prediction, scale, vagueness, complexity, and more. These present roadblocks to problem-solving, and form the background for many almost unsolvable problems. There are multiple reasons, by no means the smallest class of them being the so-called impossible problems to be considered in another chapter. As well, we need to discuss further methodologies for solutions to come in the next chapter. Here are a few exampl...

Surviving AI

Surviving AI. The people smart enough to ask the right questions will survive the AI invasion. This implies the need to read the AI answers and determine what’s missing. Or is the answer relevant, or is the answer biased, or is the answer wrong? So, don’t throw away those books just yet. Keep sharp. Keep connected. Keep reading. Know what you’re doing. Know what’s important. Know what the problem truly is. Know how to solve problems. In general, up your AI survival ante. Remember: If you don’t know it’s there, you won’t know what to ask about. AI is not substitute intelligence , it is after all only artificial and just supplementary.

What is a Solution?

  Continuing with our problem-solving theme, we now take up the question, “What is a Solution?” In it, we try to account for many types of solutions. Not just the math questions, but the whole spectrum of presentations we call solutions. From parents to politics to planning, we consider a variety of solution types. In addition, we take up the question of “How do we approach finding solution?” You will be surprised at how many vastly different paths folks take. Sometimes, people take multiple paths, and this can lead to the notion of “no solution ever.” As mentioned before, the mind works with many differing solving systems - often in mysterious ways. If only the brain was logical, but it ain't. Link to paper. or