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Showing posts with the label machine grading

Blame it on Physics

If you need an online calculator, one for just about anything, check out this website ----------------------------  Blame it on the Physics The first multiple choice tests were developed in about 1915 by Frederick Kelly, an education specialist.  This test was a timed reading test, produced because Kelly viewed human judgement of reading skills fundamentally flawed.  The idea was to make testing more objective.  This worked and was widely adapted. Just 22 years later physics teacher Reynold Johnson devised a method of identifying pencil marks against a key to automatically grade them, saving countless hours of hand grading. Johnson was hired by IBM to develop the device.  Multiple choice test became the premier testing vehicle – to this day. This first device recognized the marks electronically. However, in 1955, the first patent to recognize marks optically was issued to Everett F. Lindquist, an education professor....