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Showing posts with the label competitiveness

Competitiveness – nasty style

I’m reminded of the great baseball pitcher Bob Gibson, who was reported to be so competitive he wouldn’t even let his daughter win at “Old Maid.”   I’m sure this story is exaggerated, but his legendary competitiveness is well known. (See: )   The point here is that champions are competitive to the extreme.   Our case-in-point here is just that: competitiveness.   Almost all of our presidents have been competitive.   This is a good thing! Some, like Lincoln, concealed it very well. Others, like Roosevelt (Teddy-type) were brash about it.   But, this quality compels them to hold a vaunted office, an office not for the thin-skinned or the gentle soul.   They all have it, no matter how benign you think they are.   This includes among the recent presidents, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Bush x 2, Clinton, Obama, and most certainly PE-elect Trump.   Thus, we come to the nasty part of this report