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Showing posts with the label pundits

Infinity of Theories

I do love the Stock Markets, all of them.   Why?   Because of the abundance of theories.    Every day, no matter how the market moves there are dozens of pundits offering forth their theory as to why it went down – or up, where it’s going tomorrow or next week, and why it must crash soon or maybe elevate another couple thousand more points.   Ok, this is fine.   But the next day these same folks may expound theories postulating the opposite.   This proves market pundits have no essential understanding of economics as related to the market.   This proves pundits prefer expedience to understanding.   I am constantly besieged by brokerage firms telling me if I would only invest a million, they would help me reach my goals.   If I had this information, how to make a lot of money, I would borrow every cent I could and apply it to making a bunch of money.   I’d not tell a soul. So, why are they trying to help me?   Well, t hey have a  YAT, yet another theory!   Phooey.

The Data and the Dumpster

Most pundits use poll/survey results that validate what they want to prove.   But… Remember the 2016 outcome? Totally missed by pollsters and pundits.   One reason is many simply don’t respond to polls any more. It is important to know that poll results are flushed into huge data lakes and combined with other information (about you) so that political social engineers can better manipulate Y-O-U.   If the pollster dials your phone, much is known about you already.   Forget random sampling – merely the newest fiction to create facts.   You might say, “I rely on RealClearPolitics for my data.”   Well, if you average the results of 100 bad polls you still get bad results. Bad does not average to good, much less accurate. What’s in your Data?   Garbage or Truth?

Generals, Politicians, and Pundits

An interesting point about our military leaders and those of any responsible country is that they are scholars of war, conflict, weapons, strategy and tactics.   They all attend a war college to learn their craft.   Almost all have read extensively on the subject.   Some are historians of their profession. Many are articulate communicators about their operations, needs, equipment, troup strength, training, and promotion practices. They are sincere professionals – whether you agree with them or not. Now contrast this with the typical politician, especially elected officials.   Few have studied politics.   Few understand much more than pre-written talking points on any topic.   Few have any training on compromise and the other crafts of legislation. Most leaders probably rely more on intuition and instinct than any form of analysis. Putting your faith in politicians is therefore a risky belief. Next contrast this with pundits and news commentators.   Now we are dipping down yet

Aging is Back

In our youth-obsessed culture, a paradox is all around us.   Namely, b oth political parties seem embedded with aging and tired players who refuse to give up their places on the center stage of American politics.  They seem not recognize the world is changing - has changed - around them. They hearken back to younger days when they learned their craft, often causing more damage than good. These include Clinton, Pelosi, McCain, Mitchell, Sanders, and others. All have big influence in that whatever they say is widely carried by news outlets. This, in turn, fuels the pundits with days of moronic commentary.  You pick the channel. Technically, we call this a feedback loop. On this note: Have you ever noted the background persons in NOKO Kim Jong Un’s public appearances?  All, almost without exception, seem to be aging generals and admirals. I guess Kim likes people around him that could or likely would not be competitors. This is not prejudice against the aging, given I am