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Showing posts with the label history

Touching History

History, not too far away but not too close, has a unique, mystical quality.   There you can know the previous residents; you can see their hopes and dreams in decay. You can see the care needed, with constant repair now halted.   You can see shards of glass, millwork on the lumber, wood or earthen floor, where the stove and bedrooms were, and maybe a forgotten book discarded long ago. You can almost smell the sweat from lost labor. In one such, I found a framed, water stained 1908 hand-written marriage license on the floor.  You are almost directly connected to this place. Take the picture. To me, it’s marvelous. Now, look at a 14 th century castle on the Rhein (the Rheinstein), today another hotel.   Preserved, perfect, historical, but lost to our touch, memory, and affection.   Just a pretty old place. Take the picture. Say wow.

Preparing the Politician

W e made it through the last election cycle, I think, finally. The balance of power has shifted just a bit.   Yet, it is in no way clear what will happen.   The three preceding sentences could have been written in many years past.   So, we at least biennially get the new crop.   Not chemically enhanced, genetically engineered, nor fertilized, much less vaccinated, this crop is much the same as always.   In the parley of cookery, we call the outcome pot luck .  W e’re at that time of the season to discuss what’s for dinner.   Our chefs are local and we trust their excellence.   Let’s suppose this time we’re preparing a (nice juicy) politician as the main course.   This happens you know.   When families get together, politics may not come from the kitchen but sit there at the table, offering food for dispute, often helping with indigestion.   L et’s make a top ten list of these political birds and what we want to see...

Your Monthly Morality

In the past weeks we've hear much about the morality of waterboarding.  Recently, the CIA’s Gina Haspel was pounded by members of the  morals-of-the-month  club.  By the great historian, Will Durant*, morality changes from generation to generation, depending on current conditions, greatest desires, and acceptable sins. He proved this with countless examples over all recorded history. Examples: a. Waterboarding - In the past there was no morality issues at all. It didn’t maim anyone, but it scared the victim into confessing revelations. Now its torture. b. Abortion - In the past it was abhorrent, not it's just plain ok, indeed encouraged. c. Spanking children - In the past considered a necessary tool of parental discipline, now questioned by sociologists on moral and many other grounds.  d. Homosexuality - Has flip-flopped in moral acceptance for millennia. e. Pedophilia – Remarkably it has the same history as the above, and by historica...