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Showing posts with the label excellence

Quotes for the Day

A. “Hate has a taste all its own that fills your throat and chokes you.” --- The Perry Mason Show B. “There are a great many people who are more clever than intelligent.” --- Bruno J. Zwolinski C. For some schools, excellence is always on summer vacation. D. The loyalty paradox:   Uncommon loyalty favors neither good nor evil, neither the scared nor the profane, neither love nor hate.   E. Fundamentally, learning is as nonlinear as are the differences between students. If all were linear, teaching would be easy. F. Cosmologists are the ultimate optimists, believing a complete knowledge of the universe is at hand.   Yet each problem resolved reveals another with double the difficulty.

The ABCDE's of Politics

Note.   It is difficult to avoid politics.  I have fallen victim to my own disclaimer of "no politics."  Here is an account, in the abstract, of how campaigns operate. This piece is made non partisan, but is fully adaptable to whatever your preference is. I read about it everywhere, but still I was going around in circles trying to figure President Obama’s and Governor Romney’s campaign strategy, until it hit me. Their campaign strategies are going around in circles – in a clever way. Let me explain… The wrapper, or model, proposed here is as easy as ABCDE. These are Achievements, Blame, Central Issues, Distrust, and Excellent me. It does show how the campaign can be contained, classified, categorized, understood, and interpreted. Each candidate positions themselves in these, the “Big Five.” A – Achievements - what have I done in this world. How have I made it better. B – Blame.  Blame the previous administration on whatev...