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Showing posts with the label cognitive testing

Memory and Cognitive Testing

 Although I'm not a fan of President Biden, I did write him a letter recently on his memory issues. Here is what I said.  ------------------ Dear Mr. President,  I understand your memory problems, and your reluctance to take a cognitive test. I have them as well, and I'm 80. Here is what I do. I have made of list of names, dates, and events I should recall. Every morning I review this list. It helps me recall essential facts, and it helps my general recall of other events as well. I slowly add items to the list. Please consider. The country needs you to to look sharp.  Best wishes, Don -------------------- Memory recall is a fact for all of us. I recall when I first noticed this years ago. So, I made lists of things "To Do."  This helped for a while. Now my daily list helps. Believe me, one recalled memory makes another easier to recall. Memory must be constantly used and tested, or it fades.