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Showing posts with the label unions

Educational Tectonics

A tectonic shift in America concerning education has occurred. It seems the new independent intelligence in America includes blue-collar workers, while the new college grads seems as Manchurian candidates, programmed with what to do and say but not how to think. Except for skills training, the new college grad seems to have receded intellectually. Many college students prefer formulas for thought, not a broad intellectual framework to determine thought. With some colleges offering safe spaces and pet goats, these campuses now have the overtones of preschool. In the old days, one might walk into a bar where the customers all thought about the same. These were union people.   Now the union folks have opinions sweeping across all persuasions. They think.   It is the college grads and student that seem to think the same, no deviants allowed. The educational tectonic fissures began  emerging in middle America and are now spreading.

Teacher Strikes - Go For It

Dateline, 3/25/13: The Strongsville, OH teachers on strike for higher wages. They have been on strike for several weeks. Students are being taught by substitutes.  The District's active goal is to make a deal with the teachers.   A bargaining session is scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday, March 26, 2013) morning.*  According to Superintendent John Krupinski on the requested demand, his answer was short and to the point: "It's unsustainable and unaffordable."  True or not true?  Let's take a look.  I don't see what the fuss is all about in Strongsville, OH.  The unions are protecting their constituency, namely their members.  When all is said, the students are their product, and the school building is their factory. When has any union going on strike worried about their product or the factory for that matter.  Go union!  As long as they are producing a product of competitive excellence, they should go for the gold, the...

Blame game in K-12 education

Premise: The US performs poorly international math tests, TIMSS and PISA The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study. TIMSS is used to compare over time the mathematics and science knowledge and skills of fourth- and eighth-graders. TIMSS is designed to align broadly with mathematics and science curricula in the participating countries. Overall, the US came in tenth among four graders and ninth among eight graders. On the PISA test, the United States came in 25 out of 35.   China , which did best on the test, cited “ China also raised teacher pay and standards and reduced rote learning, while giving students and local authorities more choice in curriculum.” Comments from the big shots. Education Secretary Arne Duncan , “The results show that U.S. students must improve to compete in a global economy. … This should be a massive wake-up call to the entire country.” Microsoft Corp. ...