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Showing posts with the label Alexa

Alexa - More Bad News

 Do you own Alexa or one of those home-assistants?  If no, don't buy one.  If yes, read on.  Did you know cheap laser pointers can access your home assistants, e.g. Alexa.   It can turn on and off your lights, open your garage, turn on your car.   Whatever Alexa can do. It can be done from hundreds of feet outside your home.   Apparently, the laser light, modulated from within a computer, can be used to mimic sound. A solution is available:   A. Get rid of these devices. B. Keep them covered such as with a tea cozy. C. Certainly keep them out of window view.

Amazon Alexa Premium

The new Amazon Alexa premium services can do so much more… Old: Alexa, Turn on my light. Old: Alexa, Turn on my TV. New... Thinking big:   Alexa, Find my keys. Thinking bigger: Alexa, Get me a raise. Thinking really big: Alexa, File my tax return. Cheat just a little. Bigger and bigger: Alexa, Cast my absentee ballot for the candidate you know I prefer. And biggest of all: Alexa, Turn on my wife.