I used to like Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina for her practical viewpoints on how to proceed to restore our nation to its former greatness. She seems experienced. She seems knowledgeable. She does make some great sound bites. Yet she scolds, and even preaches to us, explaining mostly how she is the perfect choice to solve the big problems of our day, and also how she could confront delimit and then defeat Hillary Clinton. She deprecates everyone, not just the democrats. She talks to us as if we are ignorant and the government is doing nothing and can do nothing. On security, she talks about applying big data algorithms as though she understands them, but she betrays her ignorance of the size of the data sets (zettabytes) she wishes to examine. Her broad strokes on security are designed only for the masses and newscasts. Let’s face it. The Presidential job has become almost too large for a...
Random thoughts and used ideas