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Showing posts with the label pictures

On Vacations

When taking a family vacation...  Visiting a museum or ruin is an exciting adventure, full of surprises, and photo ops – except when you get overdosed on so, soooo... much.   I give at most four hours/day for quality fun.   Sometimes, in the heat of jobs, kids, and growing up, we never really get to know our kids - except as kids.   An adult-style family vacation is a fantastic eye-opener to review the results. In your adventures, you may stumble, trip, or even fall.   Of course, that painful muscle or bruise is all in your mind - except where it really hurts. On vacations, shoot hundreds of pictures. The only penalty is you have to look at them later.   Spare no expense when taking breaks. Remember, the memory plays tricks.   You never quite know which of them will shine in the sunset.

Thoughts XXVIII - morality

In American politics today we have among our parties “no morality” versus “faux morality,” while each claims high morality.     All to confuse the philosophers, I’m sure. J ------------------------- A theory is a lens which focuses information into knowledge.   ------------------------- When you have a religious fervor but are constrained by morality, this is one thing.   When not so constrained, this is another; it allows almost any action. ------------------------- If you intend to write a book about knowledge, be sure your publisher prints it on yellowing paper bound with dusty covers.   This gives it a head start on its final outcome, residing on a library shelf, untouched for years on end. ------------------------- Many agree that truth correlates with knowledge, and vice versa .   Whatever would the statisticians say about correlating two objects with no clear meaning? ------------------------- We all too often hear about comparing apples and oranges,