Most of us have debt. We may owe money to the bank or favors to our friends. We may owe allegiance to our country, company, or commitments. We may owe a debt to ourselves for things we have or have not done. We live in a sea of debt, most of it simply the cost of living. Those of us without debt are either lucky or just not living. Another form of debt, technical debt , has emerged only in last 25 years. Originally, it was created as an aspect of computer code. When a large code is created, many decisions must be made. Often budget or time issues take a commanding position. Sometimes, the quality of the software engineers is not up to the tasks of the complex demands. Similarly, the knowledge base can be insufficient to proceed correctly. The orders may be, “Get the code online and quickly, and reduce the costs wherever possible.” The debt is with the readjustments, fixes, ...
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