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Showing posts with the label achievement

Dream for Success

Dreams are the first steps of achievement.  Dreams are the basis of exceptionalism. You must dream it can happen even before you can begin to make it so. Dream for success.  It's not guaranteed, but without the dreams it will not happen.


Always have hope! Hope is like a tiny battery deep inside you that must not fail. If it fails, you fail. If you have hope, your system is activated to action.   With hope, you may try, work, invent and explore new ideas. You have a burden lifted into your being to discover new unknowns.   Without hope, you languish in a valley of inaction. Hope, like love, is fragile, easily breakable at first.   As well, hope can carry through the most difficult times. SPORTS. One manifestation of this is with sports teams.   When a team gives up on itself and loses hope, its fans also give up. Their supreme effort to win is dissolved. The conversation turns to next season and new player acquisitions. In European leagues, relegation is assumed, resulting in players looking to change teams. The entire team package is lost until it finds hope once again. CITIES. The city that loses hope, dissembles. It’s laws are not enforced; homelessness rises; city legislatures l...

Letter to the Graduate

Here is a letter written to my nephew on his high school graduation. C ongratulations on your achievement.   You are awarded a certificate for a mission well accomplished.   This is your day to celebrate.   The real celebration is that you have now jumped up one rung on the long, difficult ladder of life.   Y et, your life so far and to come will be a bounty of achievements. Celebrate, enjoy, and remember these. This is important.    Life will also deliver to you an assortment of failures, some from bad luck and others from bad judgment.   Learn the difference.   Learn from these, but do not allow them to dominate your pathway.   Too many do so, causing their gradual defeat in the game of living. Y our memory is most important; after years it becomes what you are.   It is your stamp of uniqueness.   It is a personal warehouse of you - your experiences, your expertise, your achievements, your loves, and so much of every...

Thoughts - Part IV

Retirement. This is the golden period of a lifetime of hard work, when one can actually enjoy a few of life's comforts without the confines of everyday work. It is a period celebrated by society.  It is a time of a few good years before death.  You are out of the game, having done what you have done, having said what could be said, and having lived in the active world swirling about you.  It is not a time for youth, just beginning their venture. Yet, many young folks live a portion of the retirement live - the relaxing and doing little but without reflection and with few memories, without goals and without drive.  Text-ing and Twitter-ing do not make a life, past or present, and never will. Current Legislation.  It was considered landmark legislation when a bill was passed and signed to allow the FAA to move around money to avert serious airport delays owing to traffic controller furloughs.   While Congress was giving itself high-fives on a job well don...