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Showing posts with the label analysis

The Eight Stages of Understanding

The Eight Stages of Understanding . Problem-solving is a broad category of intellectual activities. It requires knowledge of multiple sorts as outlined below. It is part of the pyramid of understanding, but a seriously important part. However, most of us can have successful careers having only problem-solving skills. Higher-order understanding is more significant in the world of theories and ideas, the meaning of solutions, and how they fit into the intellectual scheme. The list below is reminiscent of Bloom’s Taxonomy, but refined for our purposes. One of our tools for problem-solving, used by all, is at the very base. One can’t know everything, and we’re never protected from it. Thus ignorance, and how we deal with it, is in everyone’s world. ·         Ignorance:  lacking knowledge or awareness. ·         Awareness: awareness that there is something unknown or not understood. ·      ...

What is a Problem?

 You've all heard about solving problems, how to, tip, checking, and everything else, but do you know what a problem actually is? In this post we take up 24 different problem types.  Click link below to my LinkedIn page.  What is a Problem?

Rational Uncertainty

Rational ignorance .  A state of mind where your analytical powers seem not to work and you know it.  This leads to an uncertainty of how to proceed.  It is an awareness of a state where you are powerless. It can affect your investment strategies, your job seeking strategies,  your relationships with others, or even your foundational beliefs.   Coming to grips with rational ignorance is but one step towards wisdom.  Know it. Understand it. Live with it.  Do all of these with the black flag of caution flying high.  Resist giving in to emotional responses, the alternative response. You have to just plain love this state.  This is certain uncertainty.   Delicious!

Hillary and Donald - II

We look at the two candidates as they are as projected from their past.   This is the second blog on Hillary and Donald. The first is at The election this cycle offers us two opposing viewpoints proposed by two fundamentally opposite persons.   Each, I believe, seriously wants to help the country in this time of multitudinous international and national stresses.   Both approach the problems differently. Different paradigms, different temperaments, and different solutions.   Actually, different everything.  Both use their personal time-tested techniques. Political vs. Business.   They cannot and will not change!   Not at their age.   Old dogs and all that…  Though Hillary was trained as a lawyer, she is now a thorough-going politician.   Thus, Hillary will likely treat all matters as political within the constraints of her political dogmas. Hillary, with...