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Showing posts with the label violence

Super Forces in the Movies

 Super Power and Super Forces + Violence Did you know that 99% of all top-grossing American movies use special effects of some kind.  About 14% of all American movies feature super heroes. An extra 5% of American movies feature super powers of some sort. Thus 19% (or 1 in 5) of all American movies exhibit super-something as one of their key components.  About 94% of the top-grossing movies in the United States from 1985 to 2014 featured at least one violent scene. Of those movies, half involved a gun. Just for the record 73% of the top 100 grossing movies in 2017 contained at least one instance of foul language. Of them 43% used the F* word. Other percentages?  sh*t (33%), a**hole (26%), and damn (25%).

ANTIFA's Duality

What many thugs in ANTIFA have learned is that violence has a taste. And they like the taste, the taste of brute power.  A historical event, this taste has been enjoyed by many groups for millennia. You don’t need much motivation after your initiation to inflict pain and fear. That taste is so satisfying. In reality, ANTIFA probably is comprised of a mixture of true believers with violence prone parasites. It makes an interesting combination of those believing in radical change explaining to violent thugs that what you do is OK.  Both sides go home most satisfied.  

Scorecard for Planet Earth

What’s good about the world?   We’re not looking for miracles or final results. We are looking for improvement.   Let’s not look at the world we don’t have now, but look more at the far and recent past where almost nothing was possible, available, accessible, and the like.  Our list does not include everyone everywhere.   Progress is not constant nor uniform.   In some places forward steps come in leaps while in others backward steps seem the rule.   With all we hear daily of riots here, wars there, violence in the streets, intrigue in the palace, assassinations,   subversions, perversions, and all others, we take a pause and consider what we have is far, far beyond the situations of almost all only a century or two ago.       We now live in a world where most people --- Have some civil rights. Have basic schooling. Have machines to make life easier. Have food produced by an agricultural bounty. Have some rights...

Random Thoughts - 20

Symbols. A good message for politicians to send to all Americans is that "permanent" employees of the US Government, such as the FBI, should be required to re-take their oath of office periodically, like every two years.   Elected officials must.   So, why don't at least senior employees?   Sure it is symbolic, but are we not a country of symbols?   --------------- In politics, the greatest difference is between those who build their actions on a pole of principles and those who base their actions on polls of the populace. --------------- Violence means more than the mere destruction of property; it is also means the destruction of freedom.

Feeling good in America

Feeling Good All of us need to feel good.  People, politicians, teachers, movie-star personalities, all of us have this fundamental need.  All or most are driven by this need – even if you or I think they’ve run astray.   Even psychologists need to feel good, and for them they need to feel they make a difference in their treatment of patients.  Rarely, will one tell us they tried and tried but nothing worked.  Indeed, they need affirmation, often self-affirmation, of treatment success.  And this makes them feel good. Only a few psychologists are in possession of the power to suggest the release criminally troubled (or insane) patients back into the world of us all.  To feel good they have been successful in their treatments is not enough in a such a totally subjective environment.  We must have strict criteria for the release of troubled people, particularly those with a proclivity to violence.  What can be done is unclear...

Tips for the Anarchist.

In these days of unrest, we see the rise of anarchist or anarchist activities encouraging widespread, activist, and even violent protest.   Anarchy is easy.    Just maintain your hate level, do some plotting, create some trouble, regroup and plot for the next time.   Be that as it may, history has shown us that anarchy is a risky behavior, mostly destructive, and seldom with desired outcomes.     So, in a graphic way, we offer a few tips... Never throw shit into the fan… For the pleasure of seeing it fly. With the expectation of where it will land. With the hope of controlling the spray. Thinking you will not be touched. Expecting adjulation for a job well done. To identify new recruits. Demanding someone else clean up the mess.