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Showing posts with the label idea space

Idea Space - Part II

IDEA SPACE – PART II, THE IDEA OF IDEAS The is the second part of our blog on ideas but stands independently.  See What is the “idea of ideas?”   It is the conceptual framework through which problems are solved.   Prior to solving any problem whatever, it is key to have an approach to solving the problem.   This is the idea!   It could be routine, an idea applied previously.   It could be a variation on other successful ideas.   It could be complex requiring some approach beyond the norms of normal problem solving.   It could be dictated by belief or better put fit within the constraints of faith.   Yet, prior to any solution offered, there must be an idea that proceeds the solution.   This is the firmament upon which solutions are formed.   We have problem →idea → solution.   The idea is the forms the first steps on the pathway toward the solution.     The idea is a “proto-solution.”   It is a first glimmer.   I

Idea Space - Part I

IDEA SPACE - Part I In the film Dogma , our hero tells us “Well, I say we get drunk because I’m all out of ideas.”   Notwithstanding the resolution to getting drunk, it expresses a common state all of us have experienced.     It is, 'I have a problem but can't see a pathway toward solving it.'   The point is basic everywhere.   We have a problem with no clue on how to proceed.   We need some help; it is the idea we need.     The need for ideas can range from glimmers of hope to full-fledged concepts or operational plans, from national issues to getting girl to like you.     Indeed… Our world survives on ideas, and our need for new ideas is ever on the increase.    The challenges through the instantiation of new problems in this modern age with its concomitant technology has improved but complexified our everyday existence.    We need to solve ever newer and ever more complex problems; we need to understand new situations; we need to invent our way to continued