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Showing posts with the label assassin

Random Thoughts - 2

Nowadays we see near riots in the streets, remarkably well-organized riots, spun off as spontaneous tornados or chaos.   One problem with creating the tornado is the thought that once set its outcome cannot be controlled.  Chaos is no mother's child.  The News.   Nowadays we see news celebrities that run their shows to celebrate their greatness, their self-confessed bullseye opinions, and their news omnipotence.  There is little traditional reporting.  We see an odd combination of opinion supported by news interpretations, interpolations, or selected truths contorted to support personal views.  But more, there is now a news royalty.  These are commentators that use their show to celebrate themselves.  Specifically, we have Bill O’Reilly (FOX) and Chris Matthews (MSNBC). Both regard their opinions as supreme and true.  Matthews seeks affirmation from his guests. O’Reilly corrects views    alternative  from his.   Both frequently interrupt guests far more intelligent than themse