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Showing posts with the label world forces

Four World Forces

Mimicking modern physics, we assert the world is now dominated by four principle and very powerful forces, all of which are undesirable – to me anyway.   No weak forces as in physics, all are very strong.   They are the Islamic religion (Middle East and SE Asia), capitalist Marxism (Russia and China), progressivism (US and Europe), and capitalist mercantilism (US, Europe, South America).   All have become extreme to an excess; all want allegiance and obedience.   No longer is there room for balance and compromise.   A battle for world dominance is under way.    How does this affect me?   Well, … I feel I am marinating is a vessel of lies and deceit in the new political world, one of a religion celebrating murder, one seeking natural controls of choice, one dreaming of a utopian world of unequal equities.  I am being dissolved in to a soft malleable substance to be reworked into a predesigned form. My personal identity is being absorbing into a new religion of secularism or tot