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Showing posts with the label computation

Pi now known to 31.4 trillion digits

Alert.   The value of  p  has been computed by some programmer working at Google to a new record of 31.4 trillion d igits.   Don’t worry, the number of known digits has been gradually creeping up for years.   The algorithms are well established.   But you need some computing power and memory to get to 31+ trillion.   It took 112 days of computation time (with a 96 node computer).   If you typed them out, say at 10 digits per inch, you would be typing a distance of 52 million miles, or 1835 times around the Earth. Or about 99 round-trips to the moon. ( p  is one of those numbers most numerous among all numbers called transcendental .  This means it's not rational (like a fraction) and it's not algebraic (like square roots or any roots and combinations). The first proof  p  was transcendental took ove...