Introduction. How to cure cancer? How to repair climate problems [i] ? How to fix the educational establishment? How to resolve medical healthcare issues? How can I solve the problems of my country? All of these are among the monumental problems of our day. All are highly complex, with hundreds or thousands of factors, and with no clear solutions. All are even hard to define in precise terms. To make matters worse, all depend on one’s point of view. This is the world of wicked problems. We put aside all these problems except those about our country since the others involve rather technical analyses, because the problems of the country are familiar to us all, and we know many of the issues. Moreover, we agree these problems are long unsolved but have differing views on how to solve them. And this is exactly the point! The diagram below illustrates the variegated nature of wicked problems with just three factors among many. Wicked Problems Wicked Problems . The problems of this c...
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