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Showing posts with the label refugees

North Korea - no worry.

North Korea, NOKO? No worry!  Even the most casual observer will not believe the independent NOKO advance in rocketry to be so unbelievably quick.  Their latest ICBM launch featured a rocket with a look rather similar to a Chinese version.  This suggests China is helping their “bad boy” above the 38 th parallel. But the West persists on focusing on NOKO.  So, NOKO can sell technology to Iran, with China sitting peacefully on the sidelines.  So, China can build military islands in the South China Sea and nobody worries or hardly reports.  So, Kim jung un can play the role of power master.  It is a good bet that China has embedded players in Kim’s inner circle who could act upon command.  Kim asserts and amuses himself by destroying enemies from time-to-time. China is in fact the true key to NOKO.  That oft-described fear of China of being invaded by millions of NOKO refugees is ludicrous.  With no press reporting anything, ...

The Syrian Paradox

Make no doubt about the dubious vetting of Syrian nationals.  If the President concedes to critics and delays or cancels the admission of Syrian refugees on the basis of incomplete or inaccurate vetting, he opens to door to the same vetting argument for particularly Latin American illegal immigrants on the same basis.  This is a profound problem for the Administration, given they believe in this type of domino theory. This creates a paradox for both the vetting process and the admission of immigrants for any reason that abrogates full security and identity protocols.  In short, many if not most agree: "Yes, we should accept refugees, but no, we wish no more uncertainty about our safety." If his party or opposition could give the Administration a pathway around this, it could help, however doubtful the reality his acceptance of such a plan.  Why?  There are always pathways around the pathways - all perfectly logical and reasonable. I truly hop...

Refugee Camps from Hurricane Sandy

Tent Cities?  I think not.   On the TV, they are called Tent Cities. These are massive compounds supplied with basic necessities of living, commons kitchens, bedding, lavatories, showers, and the like. But they resemble in so many ways nothing less than refugee camps - a far more pejorative term. The original twin spirits of hope and helping from the early days will dissolve. Camps will be ruled by depression and despair for many. Then the bad stuff will begin.  Imagine that, refugee camps in the USA! Definition . From Wikipedia we read: Refugee camps are generally set up in an impromptu fashion and designed to meet basic human needs for only a short time. Some refugee camps are dirty and unhygienic. Often they are describe as shelters for those displaced by war, political, or religion. But they also exist for pestilence, and in a wide sense a natural weather disaster could be so considered. With hundreds of thousands without power and tens of thousands with destroy...