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Showing posts with the label equity

Trump is wrong

Trump is wrong.   In his Detroit message, he offered to the American people more jobs and more wealth to all, yes all. He believes, as do the Republicans, that such a promise will gain votes and hopefully adoration of the potential voter. Moreover, it will attract to the ballot box their endorsement of his offer.   This is his promise, and I believe it is sincere.   It is possible, though it would be difficult to achieve. The promise should be a winner!   So they think.   This was the pitch of all the Republican candidates of this cycle and last; it was the promise and pledge of Romney.   Trump discussed the TPP at length*.    How can Trump be wrong?   Those millions of people out of the workforce and the smaller number listed as unemployed (current 4.9% unemployment rate) have no belief anything will happen in their favor.   This includes even those who believe he is sincere.   However, there is another mechanism at foot. It is the notion of equity.   Those who are downtrodde