Depth, humor, and politics, all have their perspectives in aging. We need them surely. Another facet of this great time is the clarity of vision. Or wisdom. This is a time when we can see more clearly than ever - despite wearing glasses. This is a time when the world becomes clear, void of the blur and emotions of youth, the confusions of achievement, and the abstractions of thought. Our vision becomes as simple as when we were children. This is not to say we are checking out or coming to a finality. It is to say this is a time when we can cut away the fog of all that heavy living. Some achieve this from the beginning. We never understood them; they were discounted as out of touch. But in fact they were fully engaged with the depth of life as we could not comprehend it. We do now. We have returned to fundamental principles of life, and like me, have returned late in the game. It is a time for religion, for family, for politics,...
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