Recognizing logical fallacies. Here are a few tips . As an undergrad, I was always at odds with someone about something, usually based on logic (of some sort). So, Tip #0. Listen very carefully . Don’t let fuzzy arguments sway you from genuine logic. Some will try. Let’s call this “blowing it past you.” Tip #1, Be certain you are both using the same set of axioms, i.e. thing you accept as true. Not close sets of axioms but identical sets of axioms. Know particularly well your own axioms. Tip #2. Be aware of the “stretch.” Your opponent, says A implies B. Well, maybe A implies B’, but to go to B is a stretch of logic, as in just beyond logical - not quite there. Something like sleight of hand. Tip #3. Is your opponent using “authority” to make conclusions? For example, one says that Bertrand Russell said that, and thus you must believe it. Authority is often a powerful argument, often used by religious and political persons, to end the discussion. Tip #4. Stand you...
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