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Showing posts with the label technical training

The Immigration and Education Paradox

Immigration and Education Paradox The President has recently promoted a new immigration law.  English speaking and needed skills take priority.  You may agree or disagree.  But the pundits, always that crowd, have expanded the argument further – to education and immigration. They say we are educating foreign nationals to have highly technical skills.  Then, by law, they are required to return home.  However, the USA is not producing a sufficient number of technical USA citizen grads to satisfy job openings. It need many, many more.  The current push is to let foreign grads stay.  Let them stay - they say. Let’s allow those well trained, educated, and able students to take jobs right here.  Does this sound reasonable? Absolutely!  No brainer, huh?  Not quite .  By the requirement of law, the students to return home, the US has created a truly inexpensive and successful foreign policy program.  Those educated student...