John Kerry is our new Secretary of State. This is an Administration appointment at the very highest level. This puts Kerry as fourth in line for ascension to the presidency after Joe Biden, Patrick Leahy, and John Boehner. This is a heady job. Wow. Yet Kerry believes he should be the actual president. (Once you got the bug, it never goes away. So I'm told.) Really, he campaigned for the job. He almost won. He has his credentials fully in order. He believes he's the guy that should be making all the big decisions. So, how will he perform as a distant administration advocate? We'll see. My goodness, he just did an interview with FOX news. What the...? My (cynical) guess is that if he sees the future presidency is in there somewhere, anywhere, he will go along and play along. If not, he will follow his own recognizance. He may do a great job in his new post. Who knows...
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